A book which has
-Death as the narrator
-Story revolves in Germany during second world war
-Girl loses his brother in the first 10 pages
- and so on
I can't think any other scenario where a book can be more gloomy. But, only later I found that I was reading one which is easily the best I read in the whole year and that too this is not from my favorite genre.
The book talks about a girl named Liesel who comes to adopted home, where she meets Papa and Mama. Then one day she realizes she is a book thief and blah blah....Lot of people already written about this. So no point in me telling again.
What really made the story enjoyable is the death itself. I know it sounds absurd that death made something enjoyable and maybe something is wrong in my head.
But no, it is the narration by death which made the story pleasant even though the situation itself is gloomy. He even tells you a kid(Rudy) dies long before he dies and again tells he is spoiling the story.
And in between he adds comments like
I’ve seen so many young menover the years who think they’rerunning at other young men. They are not.They’re running at me.
I am haunted by humans.And then makes you cry even after spoiling the story.